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Wednesday, 16 March 2011

Autorun and AutoPlay

Autorun and AutoPlay term often used ambiguous. Autorun first introduced in Windows 95, while the newly introduced AutoPlay in Windows XP as a new feature that detects content such as image files, music, and video on a removable disk or the newly installed device. So, to say the AutoPlay is a part or one of the Autorun feature.

AutoPlay will automatically call the application to play or display the appropriate content making it easier for ordinary users to run files in various formats, from a different source devices such as USB flash disks, memory cards, mp3 players and so on. AutoPlay can be performed, although there is no autorun.inf in the root directory.
How to Handle the Windows AutoRun
From the moment you put the disk in the computer until the release of the AutoPlay window in front of you (if the conditions enable), is a process that consists of a series of instructions. To further understand how the Autorun works, following the translation process that occurs:

1. Windows Explorer will receive notification of the change in volume on the drive where the disk is inserted.
2. Autorun function put before, whether in the disable / enable. If the disabling condition to drive, then Windows Explorer will not process further. However, there is a bug since Windows 2000 to Windows 2008 Server, which still reads commands contained in the autorun.inf, although not displaying the AutoPlay or execute applications. This does not prevent malware attacks are waiting when the user double clicks or access the context menu made malware. There is a security update to fix this at http://support.microsoft.com/kb/967715
3. Checking whether there is any autorun.inf file in the main directory contained in the media.
4. Send message QueryCancelAutoPlay in the foreground application window, so that an application can be programmed to receive this message and respond to prevent AutoRun and AutoPlay.
5. Changing behavior double-click on the drive, and its context menu with the configuration contained in the autorun.inf.
6.Menambahkan icon and description on the drive, according as defined in autorun.inf.
7. Checking whether the Shift key pressed. If so, then the process will not continue, this does not apply to Windows Vista and later.
8. Furthermore, depending on the version of Windows, the media, and the instructions on the autorun.inf. Windows may display the AutoPlay, executing application instructions found on the Open or ShellExecute in autorun.inf, or does not perform any action.

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