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Wednesday, 16 March 2011

Protecting Privacy on Facebook

How to block peeper from your personal profile? Facebook has a lot of privacy controls, and continue to change it.

Fortunately, Facebook now put most of their privacy settings in one place, under the link account. We'll see how to take full control over your profile, applications, contact details, and posting on the wall.

Create Friends List
Friends Lists allow us to filter the content more easily. The quickest way to make the list: Click on Home on the main menu bar, then click the friends on the left sidebar. You will see a list on the Create button at the top of the page. Enter a name for your list, such as "Work" or "Schools", and select friends who want to enter into the list.

Adding People to the List of Existing
If there are people who have not entered when the first list is created, you can select and add them. Click Account, then click Edit Friends All Friends. You will see a list of all your friends, with the Add to List on each side. You can also add new friends to the list when they invite or accept invitations.

Protect Status Update
By default, Facebook has four levels of privacy: Friends, Friends and Networks, Friends of Friends, and Everyone. All you can see on your facebook page, from wall to post photos, restricted to one group. But, you also can make an exception by using the list.
Open up your profile, and go to the Wall. Type status updates, but before the post, click the Privacy button. Such as the padlock button with an arrow beside it. Select Customize. Hide this from the box, type the name of the list. Click Ok and your update will be hidden all the people on that list.

Hide Post's Wall
To hide a wall post from a list, go to Account, Privacy Settings. On the Sharing on Facebook, click customize settings. There are three entries that affect the post wall, namely Posts by me, Can see wall posts by Friends and Can comment on posts can be filtered based on the list. Click on privacy drop down next to an item, and select customize. Type a name in the box Hide this list from.

Preventing Spam Notification
There are few things more disturbing than the application to your spam automatically every time they update. If there is an update notification Mafia Wars Farmville or other person appears in your feed point your cursor to the top post. A mark "X" will appear. When clicked, you will be given the option to hide all the posts of the respective application.

Do not Tag Embarrassing Photos
You can not prevent people to tag photos of you who are drunk while dancing on the table, but you can prevent others from seeing the tag. Open again the Privacy Settings, and select Profile Information. On the Photos and videos I'm tagged in, select custom, then select the Only Me, from the menu Make this visible.

Never Seen
Is someone you do not like to find you on Facebook, and send a friend request? This can be prevented if you remove yourself from searches. In the Privacy Settings, go to Search. You can set so that only friends now are able to find you.

Hide Your Profile of Search Engine
What if your old enemy is more persistent, and he used Google to find your facebook profile? Do not worry. On the Privacy Settings page, click Edit your settings in the Applications and Websites that exist at the bottom. Click Edit Settings, next to public search. Uncheck the box Enable public search. Wait for a few days, and your facebook profile will disappear from search engines.

Application Block Annoying
Some applications, including applications that are installed by your friends only, using pictures and even your profile data in its update. Stop them access to your information by going to Edit your settings in the Applications and Websites. Important setting here is the info accessible through your friends. List of available data is a bit scary, but do not worry, remove the check mark on each application that bother you, and your information will remain protected.

Hide Your Contact Details
You can hide the details of specific contact from a list of certain people. For example, if you do not want your business partners see your house number, first make friends Lists contain the people you wish to exclude. In the sharing on facebook, click Customize Settings. Select Other phone, and Customize to hide your number from the list.

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